Chemical structure analysis
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Chemical structure analysis
The identification of infrared absorption of polymers at different wavelengths. A measure for the analysis and quality control purposes of the resin composition.

Application: The identification of infrared absorption of polymers at different wavelengths. A measure for the analysis and quality control purposes of the resin composition. Model: JASCO Corporation. FT/IR-410

Application: The molecular weight distribution of each constituents in the resin is measured and analyzed. Model: Structure

Application: The wide mass range: 1-1200 Da with four-pole pre-filter. Fastest mass spectrometry scan rate. The special MS-Vent function allows the column to be replaced without venting the vacuum. The special pumping design able to keep the ion source has low background value. Model: Analytical & Bio Science Instrument Co., Ltd. Clarus 500 GC/MS

Application: X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer, abbreviation:XRF. It’s a fast non destructive method of measuring substances. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a high-energy X-ray. Secondary X-rays that are excited when a line or gamma ray strikes the material. This phenomenon is widely used in elemental analysis and chemical analysis.

Application: The different molecular weight was divided the pipes, and make the two ways according to the molecular weight. The different molecular weight components are separated in the column and enter the detector according to the difference in molecular weight. Drawing a chromatogram for analysis and quality controls of the composition of the resin. Collector according to various detector signals. Model: Waters, ACQUITY APC

用途: 測量樹脂對不同波長的紅外線吸收,用於分析、品管樹脂的組成物。 測量樹脂反應前後官能基的變化與反應率。 機型: JASCO Corporation. FT/IR-410

用途: 測量樹脂內各組成的分子量分佈,用於分析、品管樹脂的組成物。 機型: Structure

用途: 寬廣的質量範圍:1-1200 Da具四極柱前過濾器(pre-filter) 最快速的質譜掃描速率 特殊的MS-Vent功能,可不必洩真空即可更換管柱,特殊的抽氣設計,可保持離子源低背景值 機型: 博精儀器股份有限公司, Clarus 500 GC/MS

用途: X射線螢光光譜儀(X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer,簡稱:XRF光譜儀),是一種快速的、非破壞式的物質測量方法。 X射線螢光(X-ray fluorescence,XRF)是用高能量X射線或伽瑪射線轟擊材料時激發出的次級X射線。這種現像被廣泛用於元素分析和化學分析。

用途: 不同分子量的成分在管柱中被分離,依照分子量的差異先後進入偵測器,繪製成層析圖譜,用於分析、品管樹脂的組成物。收集器依各種檢測器訊號 將層析峰的微量液體收集起來,協助使用者進行後續定性分析工作。 機型: Waters, ACQUITY APC 超效能高分子層析系統