Electrical properties analysis
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Electrical properties analysis
High-end models in the SM series, measuring range up to 2e16Ω (1000V)

Application: High-end models in the SM series, measuring range up to 2x10 ^ 16Ω (1000V). The test voltage covers low voltage and high voltage, which can correspond to a full range of insulation analysis. Model: HIOKI SM-8220

Application: Under the effect of moisture and impurities, the electrical products may be charged between parts with different polarities, live parts and grounded metal. The generated arc causes a short-circuit to the electrical appliance or the material is electrically damaged by the discharge, or even caused by ignition fire. The tracking test is a destructive test on the insulation material for the above situation to measure the solid electrical. Its use for measure the relative electrical tracking resistance of solid electrical insulation materials when the surface is exposed to water containing impurities under the action of an electric field. Model: ZLT-LDQ

Application: Test the dielectric strength and withstand voltage properties of the material under AC voltage or DC voltage. Model: Center testing international, HCDJC-100KV

Application: Testing uses 12.5kV high voltage arc to detect changes in the surface of the material. Model: Center testing international, HCDH-4

Application: Dielectric constant, Tanδ of test materials at different voltages (100V ~ 5000V), different temperatures Model: Center testing international, QS37A

Application: The surface resistance of the test material at different temperatures under different DC voltages (10V, 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V), Volume resistance. Model: Center testing international, HEST-300

用途: SM系列中之高階機種,量測範圍可達2x10^16Ω(1000V)測試電壓涵蓋低壓及高壓,可對應全範圍絕緣分析。 機型: HIOKI SM-8220

用途: 在電器產品受潮濕和雜質的影響下,不同極性帶電部位之間或帶電部件與接地金屬之間可能會引起絕緣上的漏電,產生的電弧對電器造成擊穿短路或由於放電使材料電蝕損,甚至起燃導致火災。漏電起痕試驗就是針對上述情況對絕緣材料進行的一種破壞性試驗,用以測量固體電氣絕緣材料在電場作用下表面暴露於含雜質的水時的相對耐電痕化性能。 機型: ZLT-LDQ

用途: 測試材料在交流電壓或直流電壓下介電強度和耐電壓性質。 機型: 華測儀器.HCDJC-100KV

用途: 測試材料在12.5kV高壓電弧下,材料表面變化。 機型: 華測儀器.HCDH-4

用途: 測試材料在不同電壓(100V~5000V)、不同溫度下的介電常數、Tanδ 機型: 華測儀器.QS37A

用途: 測試材料在不同直流電壓(10V、50V、100V、250V、500V、1000V)不同溫度下的表面電阻、體積電阻。 機型: 華測儀器.HEST-300