Strength analysis
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Strength analysis
The measurement of tensile strength, flexural strength, compressive strength, modulii, and elongation etc.

Application: Measuring tensile strength, fracture resistance, compressive strength, modulus, and deformation rates of the cured resin. Measuring peel strength and tensile test of the cured resin. This machine is able to test the tensile by controlling the temperature between -40 ~ + 150 ℃ Model: Gotech Testing Machines INC .GT-7001-HL

Application: Weighing range: 0.01 ~ 20.00 kg ± 0.5%, switch between tensile and pressure measurement methods. Grams / pounds / newton units switch, choice reaction time: fast / 0.2 seconds, slow / 0.6 seconds. Can capture the maximum momentary load value, manually zeroing device, and improve accuracy measurement. Model: FG-20KG-RS

Application: Measuring tensile strength, fracture resistance, compressive strength, modulus, and deformation rates of the cured resin. Measuring peel strength and tensile test of the cured resin. Model: Gotech Testing Machines INC GT-7001-LC 30

Application: Measuring tensile strength, fracture resistance, compressive strength, modulus, and deformation rates of the cured resin. Measuring the hardness of the cured resin. There are shore A and shore D specifications. Model: TECLOCK CO. GS-709N, GS-702G

Application: Measuring the pencil hardness of the cured resin. There are seven specifications from F to H. Model: CT-291

Application: After measuring the effect of the film after corona treatment. It can accurately test whether the surface tension of the plastic film reaches the value of the test pen. Know clearly whether this film is suitable for printing, composite or vacuum aluminizing. This machine effectively controls the quality and reduce tool delays of the material failure. Model: Test pens pink 30-44mN/m

Application: Weighing range: 0.5~100.0 kg / cm, switch between three units (kg / cm, lb/ inch, Newton / cm). Supply fast and slow sampling time selections. Model: An-Bomb Instruments CO., LTD. TQ-8801

Application: Using the polariscope to observe the stress will cause a difference in optical path, so the different colors will appear. Theoretically, the stress value at this place can be considered, but the determination of color is fuzzy and subjective. It only has a qualitative function. The polarimeter can be used to detect the birefringence of transparent materials and compensated by Sénarmont method to calculate the value of the optical path length difference. The distribution of birefringence is detected and analyzed by polarized light. The distribution and size of refractive index directly reflects on the material stress, and then calculates the actual stress.

Application: Put the transparent specimen on the optical path. It will show the photo-elastic phenomenon, and the stressed place would appear. Commonly used to observe the stress distribution of transparent products such as glass or plastic. It can be extended to research on influence of the processing and formulation on stress.

用途: 測量樹脂硬化後抗張、抗折、抗壓強度、模數與變型率。 測量樹脂硬化後的接著強度與拉伸曲線。 能夠將溫度控制在-40~+150℃之間來執行拉力機的測試。 機型: 台灣 高鐵機械股份有限公司 GT-7001-HL

用途: 秤量範圍: 0.01~20.00公斤±0.5%,拉力與壓力測量法選擇切換公克/磅/牛頓單位切換, 反應時間選擇: 快/0.2秒、慢/0.6秒可捉取瞬間最大荷重值, 手動歸零裝置、提高準確度測。 機型: FG-20KG-RS

用途: 測量樹脂硬化後抗張、抗折、抗壓強度、模數與變型率。 測量樹脂硬化後的接著強度與拉伸曲線。 機型: 台灣 高鐵機械股份有限公司 GT-7001-LC 30

用途: 測量樹脂硬化後抗張、抗折、抗壓強度、模數與變型率。 測量樹脂硬化後的硬度,分別有Shore A和D兩種規格。 機型: TECLOCK CO. GS-709N, GS-702G

用途: 測量樹脂硬化後的鉛筆硬度,由F到6H七種規格。 機型: CT-291

用途: 測定薄膜受電暈處理後的效果,能準確地測試出塑膠薄膜之表面張力是否達 到試筆的數值. 清楚瞭解此薄膜是否適合於印刷.複合或真空鍍鋁.有效地控制品質及減少因材質不合格所造成的工具延誤. 機型: Test pens pink 30-44mN/m

用途: 測量範圍: 0.5~100.0公斤/公分,三種單位切換,公斤/公分,磅/吋,牛頓/公分具有取樣時間快/慢選擇 機型: 安邦儀器有限公司 TQ-8801

用途: 使用偏光應力儀(Polariscope)觀察有應力的地方會出現光程差,因此顯現不同的顏色。 理論上可以推敲該處的應力值,不過顏色的判定模糊與主觀,所以實際上只有定性的功能。 而使用偏光應力計(Polarimeter)可對透明材料的雙折射率進行檢測,並通過Senarmont補償法計算出光程差的數值。並通過偏振光對雙折射率的分布進行檢測分析。折射率的分布和大小 直接反應出材料應力的分布與大小,進而計算出 實際的應力

名稱: 偏光應力儀(Polariscope) 用途: 將透明的試片放在光徑裡面,有應力的地方就會出現光彈性現象, 常用於觀察玻璃或是塑膠…..等等的透明製品之應力分布狀況, 可以延伸為研究製程、配方對應力的影響。