Weatherability and aging analysis
Weatherability and aging analysis
The impact strength of the cured resin is measured.

Application: Measuring the impact strength of the hardening resin. Model: Gotech Testing Machines INC. GT-7045

Application: The QUV weathering tester is a test machine that effects of simulated damage, and it is used to predict materials. Durability in an outdoor environment, innovative condensing system and drenching system. It is used to simulate rain and dew, while the UV lamps are used to simulate the damage of sunlight. Model: QUV/SE

Application: Unique effect of heat-dissipation structure, heat storage and cold storage. It uses the cold and hot air switch mode to import into test samples, and do thermal shock test. Model: Giant Force Instrument Enterprise Co., Ltd. GTST-050-55

Application: Mainly test is the corrosion and environmental resistance of the product. It is to test the corrosion resistance of the product through the simulated environment. MAG0506-005 Model: Giant Force Instrument Enterprise Co., Ltd. MAG0506-005

用途: 主要是檢測產品的耐腐蝕以及耐環境變化,是通過模擬環境進行測試其產品之抗蝕性。 機型: 巨孚儀器股份有限公司 MAG0506-005

用途: 測量樹脂硬化後衝擊強度。 機型: 台灣 高鐵機械股份有限公司 GT-7045

用途: QUV耐候試驗機試驗為模擬氣候損壞效果的試驗機,用來預測材料 在室外環境下的耐用性,創新的冷凝系統和水噴淋系統用於模擬下雨和露水,而UV燈管則用於模 擬太陽光的損壞效果。 機型: QUV/SE

用途: 獨特之斷熱結構及蓄熱、蓄冷效果,應用冷、熱風路切換方式導入試品中,做冷熱衝擊測試 機型: 巨孚儀器股份有限公司 GTST-050-55

用途: 壽命試驗機的目的為提高環境的變化例如:溫度、氣壓、電壓、濕度…..等等的參數, 加快試驗過程,縮短產品的壽命試驗時間,用於分析該產品在老化過程當中會發生何種變化而導致產品失效,本公司的飽和壽命試驗機可設定高溫、高壓、高濕共三種參數來實施加速試驗。