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Everwide Newsletter No.133

Experiment § Raw material purity and Outgassing?

Because the resin releases too much organic volatiles that will contaminate the electronic components and affect the original functions, many electronic and optical components require packaging materials with low outgassing characteristics. At present, when the photoelectric process is required to be fast, UV glue has become a popular system, but the issue of its release of organic volatiles has also attracted much attention. There are two simple methods to evaluate outgassing. The first is to heat the UV adhesive after curing to put the low molecular weight or incompletely reacted organic volatiles into the air, and finally measure the weight reduced by the test piece, which is the weight volatilized by outgassing. The second is to take the test piece to vacuum after curing the UV glue, and finally measure the reduced weight of the test piece, which is the weight volatilized by outgassing. Reducing the volatilized weight of outgassing can be solved by formula. The first is to select raw materials with a higher reaction rate in the formulation. The second is to use higher molecular weight raw materials. The third is to select high-purity raw materials. Especially in the third method, because the raw materials of many different brands are actually not the same in purity, the by-products of many reactions are often the source of outgassing at high temperatures. The picture on the left is the GC-Mass spectrum of a certain raw material. Except for the substances that should be obtained in the green box, everything else can be regarded as impure. Some brands have a very low percentage of impurities, and some brands have a scarily high percentage of impurities.

─Author: Mrs. Zhi-Yu, Huang


Activity § Is your ISO real?

Many companies invest time and money to obtain ISO certification, but what is the real purpose? Is it to promote the company's image? Or is it to enter the supply chain of a large company? A customer once asked whether our ISO is real or fake? This question puzzled us for a while, because the spirit of ISO emphasizes the consistency between speaking and writing, and do whatever the SOP is written, and truly record the content of each step. If the ISO is fake, then it would take a lot of energy and time to fill in the data without achieving the purpose of quality management. Isn't it meaningless to do so? In fact, when we first imported ISO, due to lack of experience and insufficient planning, there were some forms that could not faithfully present the content of each process. For example, the raw material entering the factory process, because the early design of the simple notice, but the cross-departmental procedures, in order to prevent omissions, so we gradually designed the steps of each department in the same form, which has been updated to version B.04版。Another example is the return acceptance form. The process of filling in forms in the early days did not connect every department, leading to a gap in communication between departments. There has been a case where the inventory in the factory was not synchronized when the customer returned the product, which caused the customer to receive the product with the same batch number again, which caused a lot of trouble. Later, we revised the form and listed the entire process. In doing so, the colleagues who fill out the form will be able to inform each department naturally, and there will be no omissions. The return acceptance form is the implementation of ISO, which can improve the quality of products and services, reduce waste and customer complaints, improve internal communication, improve employee morale, and allow the organization's systems, procedures, and structures to establish complete written data. The simple meaning is "rationalization". Our efforts can be seen from our window, right?

─Author: Ms. Jing-Ru, and Ms. Xue-Li, Jian


Knowledge § What are the A stage, B stage, and C stage?

The curing reaction of thermosetting resin can be divided into three stages ABC. A stage (A Stage) refers to the early stage of the resin reaction, the molecular weight is still very low and presents a liquid state. B stage (B stage) refers to the middle stage of the resin reaction, the molecular weight has been large enough to appear solid stage. However, the molecular structure at this time has not been cross-linked, and the resulting solid product will melt and flow at a higher temperature, and can also be dissolved by the solvent. C stage (C Stage) refers to the end of the resin reaction, the stage where the molecular structure has been cross-linked. The solid product obtained at this time will not be melted by heat, nor will it be dissolved by the solvent. Some resin B Stage is very short, or even not obvious, and it will go directly from A Stage to C Stage. Some formulas B Stage are very long, such as molding materials, IC packaging materials, powder coatings, etc. The materials mentioned above are solid at room temperature and can be melted into a liquid during a high-temperature process, and then further reacted into a solid and These materials take advantage of the B Stage properties of resins to develop unique processing properties.


Living § Three years of free work?

When I was in the master's class, it took two years for "general students" and three years for "working students" to graduate. The first important thing for every student who is admitted to graduate school is to find an advisor to start a research experiment. Especially the famous professors, students try their best to become their students, but each professor can only accept three students, so there is a phenomenon of fewer teachers and more students. I have heard a story in which a professor was evaluating which students to admit. A "working student" fought the professor to say: "Teacher, accept me, I can help you do three years of experiments for free!" After hearing this, the teacher was very upset and said: "It's not that you helped me do three years of experiments for free, but I should let you study for three years for free!" So this "working student" was therefore not selected. Thinking about it afterward, I found that the difference between "three years of free experimentation" and "three years of free study" is really big. When a graduate student with no experimental experience regards "doing three years of experiment" as a competitive advantage, their actual idea is "to do three years of hard work in exchange for a degree." I don't think the professor can see the student's research enthusiasm. On the contrary, the professor feels that this is more like a proposal of conditional exchange. The history of a laboratory is often an unimaginable effort. New experimenters should humbly strive for opportunities and show an attitude of wanting to devote themselves to research. If it is said that it is "trying to study for three years", perhaps the meaning is very different. After twenty years, the viewpoints of "doing" and "learning" have become a conflict between "reality" and "ideal" for me. "Reality" is that many people with no social experience care about salary, vacation, and job content when looking for a job. These are all from the perspective of "doing" to understand work. My perception is that inexperienced people know very little, and there is still a lot to "learn". Our "ideal" is to find someone willing to learn and teach well. Recently, the company tried to define "how much performance do R&D personnel need to make money for the company?". According to the definition and analysis of the results over the years, the chances of R&D personnel who have been working for less than three years who can help the company make money on their own are not high. This may be used as a footnote for "doing" and "learning."

─Author: Dr. Ming-Xu, Li


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