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Everwide newsletter No.3

New Equipment § Super-impedance Insulation Meter

In order to understand the various resistance characteristics of the test piece, Everwide Chemical specially purchased a super-impedance insulation meter to measure the voltage including low voltage and high voltage, which can correspond to the full range of insulation analysis. This instrument adopts the loop method of the voltage and current method which is composed of the constant voltage power supply part and the high-sensitivity current measurement part. The current test section is composed of a current detection impedance, a low drift voltage amplifier, and an integral A/D converter.

※The test terminal of the instrument panel will have a high voltage of up to 1000V. In order to prevent the occurrence of electric shock accidents, please pay special attention to preventing touching the energized part during the test.


Experiment § Test Resistance

The resistance characteristics of the test piece can be measured using a super-impedance insulator. The greater the resistance value of the test piece, the lower the conductivity of the test piece, the less likely it is to conduct electricity. Test method: 1. The diameter of the test piece should be more than 5.0cm and the surface should be flat. 2. The test piece is charged for 60 seconds and discharged for 60 seconds. 3. Because charging and discharging will cause damage to the test piece, a test voltage test piece can only be tested once. 4. The surface of the test piece needs to be dry. If it is not dry, it will affect the test instrument and cause pollution, and the measured value will be inaccurate. The following is the actual test data of Everwide Chemical:


Knowledge § Definition of HDT

Heat distortion temperature (HDT) is an industrial mechanical point of view to evaluate the temperature resistance of materials. The test method of HDT is as follows: a specific shape of the tested material is placed in an oil tank, and a thimble of a specific weight is pressed against the test piece. The oil tank is heated at a specific heating rate, and the test piece will gradually soften and deform under force. When the thimble is lowered by a certain distance due to the deformation of the test piece, this temperature is the thermal deformation temperature. When recording the heat distortion temperature, the weight of the pressing should be recorded at the same time, and the weight is usually 66Psi or 264Psi.


Product introduction § FS series

Everwide Chemical's latest research and development of FS series jelly glue can be applied to solar plate perfusion. The curing time of the glue can be as fast as 10 minutes or as slow as 5 hours, and the viscosity is between 300 and 3,000 cps. This series has passed the QUV aging test and the thermal shock test of -40℃~+80℃. Although jelly glue is an outdated product, it is still worth looking forward to when it is applied to solar plate infusion.


Planning § The source of progress

In the process of moving to the new factory, we decided to create an audio-visual classroom exclusively for Everwide employees.

The audio-visual classroom was completed earlier this year and can accommodate 70 people. The classroom is equipped with modern technology audio-visual equipment, including a DVD projector, projector, computer, and sound system. The purpose of the audio-visual classroom is to allow Everwide Chemical employees to receive a complete education and training course so that everyone can continuously receive new information and exchange research experience. The construction of the audio-visual classroom represents the source of Everwide Chemical's continuous progress and shows the progressive heart of every Everwide Chemical employee to create better products.


Living § Judgment Criteria for R&D Innovation (2)

6. Are you trying new experimental methods? The experimental methods developed have precedents to follow, and sometimes they may not be fully applicable. Design new experimental methods, including test piece preparation, experimental conditions, instrument operation, etc., can meet the needs of innovation.

7. Did you discover new experimental phenomena? The experimental design is usually not fabricated out of thin air, and the experimental results are mostly predictable in advance. However, some experimental phenomena will be different from the original imagination due to a lack of experience or many other factors. Valuable lessons and breakthroughs can often be gained from these unexpected factors. Therefore, discovering new phenomena in experiments is an important indicator of innovation.

8. Are new product categories developed? The results of R&D innovation are many, but the most difficult and significant is the development of entirely new product categories, such as acrylic structural adhesives and resins for sewerage. New product categories can develop different markets and create different opportunities. Developing a new product category requires a wealth of knowledge and a lot of perseverance. Never give up lightly or act occasionally.

9. Are there new related needs? The implementation of many R&D will stimulate new needs in various departments. The answer to these needs is the technology derived from R&D innovation that did not exist before. In other words, driving various departments to generate new related demands is an important indicator of R&D innovation.

─ Author: Dr. Ming-Xu, Li of Everwide Chemical


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